Friday, October 17, 2008

Writing Information for 8th Grade Parents, Teachers and Students...

On September 26, 2007 the Chicago Board of Education approved amendments to the Elementary Promotion Policy (Board Report # 07-0926-P01) which requires that 8th grade students demonstrate proficiency in Writing as a condition for promotion. The policy states that students must have a "C or better" report card grade in Writing for the academic year or pass a District Wide Writing Assessment (DWWA). Requirements of this policy are not applicable to English Language Learners or students who do not take ISAT.
This portion of the policy will take effect this coming school year (Fall 2008) and includes the following components:
I. District Writing Prompts and Writing Grade
7th and 8th grade students will be expected to complete three Writing prompts representing the types of Writing assessed on ISAT (Narrative, Persuasive and Expository). These prompts will be locally administered and scored by teachers three times a year. Student performance on these three prompts for 8th grade students only will make up half of a student’s final report card Writing grade. The other half of a student’s Writing grade will be determined by student performance on additional Writing components determined at the local school level (i.e., class work, homework, class participation, etc.)
The first prompt (Narrative) will be administered October 20‐23, 2008
o The second prompt (Persuasive) will be administered January 12‐16, 2009
o The third prompt (Expository) will be administered May 11‐15, 2009
III. Spring Writing Assessment: District Wide Writing Assessment (DWWA).
Schools will be administering a spring Writing assessment to students in 8th grade who take ISAT. The assessment will be either a Narrative or Persuasive prompt. This assessment will be externally scored and results will be returned to schools one month after assessment administration.
􀂃 The spring Writing Assessment will be administered March 23-31, 2009
IV. Summer Enrichment Writing Workshops
8th grade students who do not meet the Writing criteria (i.e. obtain at least a C in Writing or pass the spring Writing assessment) will be required to attend enrichment Writing workshops over the summer in order to be promoted to the next grade.
Please contact the Office of Instructional Design and Assessment at (773) 553-5060 if you have any questions about the Writing portion of the student promotion policy. For other questions regarding the amendments to the elementary promotion policy, please contact the Office of Elementary Area and Schools at (773) 553-2150.

October 27th....Family Focus After School Begins

Hi Everyone:
This is a reminder...Family Focus After School Programs Begin...October 27th...stay tuned...

8th Grade Meeting

8th grade parent meeting

Monday, October 20, 2008
5:00 p.m.
Sherwood school library

Topics of discussion:

Graduation requirements

Student responsibility

Dates to remember

Participation costs


Light refreshments will be served



Please submit the following to Ms. Buzanis...
2 writing samples
2 reading extended response samples
2 math extended response samples
are due by October 23rd 9:00 am.

YEARBOOK in the works!

Thank you Laura Johnson for taking the lead on our 2008-2009 Yearbook....Next week she will announce the childrens choice for the cover...stay tuned!

We are a tech crew school!

Tech Crew Schools,

All schools involved with the Tech Crew program have been added to the NETS Student Assessment. The NETS Assessment for students and teachers will be available October 1st – November 7th.

Elementary Tech Crew
If you are an elementary Tech Crew school, students in grades 5 – 8 have been added to the NETS Student Assessment.

Ms. Laura Johnson will be implementing this!

Cleaning BLITZ!

Please be prepared for our cleaning blitz...January 13, 2009...start cleaning now!

National Day of Concern (Re: Gun Violence) – 10/23

Please join Arne Duncan, the Chicago Police Department, the Chicago Public Schools and schools throughout the country in honoring National Day of Concern about People and Gun Violence on October 23, 2008.

National Board Certification Reception

This is a reminder to attend the NBC reception on Tuesday, October 21st at the Parthenon Restaurant- 314 S. Halsted from 4:30 – 6:30 p.m.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Please communicate this to 7th & 8th grade is very important!

On September 26, 2007 the Chicago Board of Education approved amendments to the Elementary Promotion Policy (Board Report # 07-0926-P01) which requires that 8th grade students demonstrate proficiency in Writing as a condition for promotion. The policy states that students must have a "C or better" report card grade in Writing for the academic year or pass a District Wide Writing Assessment (DWWA). Requirements of this policy are not applicable to English Language Learners or students who do not take ISAT.
This portion of the policy will take effect this coming school year (Fall 2008) and includes the following components:
I. District Writing Prompts and Writing Grade
7th and 8th grade students will be expected to complete three Writing prompts representing the types of Writing assessed on ISAT (Narrative, Persuasive and Expository). These prompts will be locally administered and scored by teachers three times a year. Student performance on these three prompts for 8th grade students only will make up half of a student’s final report card Writing grade. The other half of a student’s Writing grade will be determined by student performance on additional Writing components determined at the local school level (i.e., class work, homework, class participation, etc.) The first prompt (Narrative) will be administered October 20‐23, 2008
o Year Round Tracks C & D should administer August 18‐21
o Year Round Tracks A & E should administer September 8‐11
The second prompt (Persuasive) will be administered January 12‐16, 2009
o Year Round Tracks A, C & D should administer December 15‐19
o Year Round Tracks B & E should administer January 12‐16
The third prompt (Expository) will be administered May 11‐15, 2009
o Year Round Tracks A, B, D & E should administer May 11‐15
o Year Round Track C should administer May 26‐29

III. Spring Writing Assessment: District Wide Writing Assessment (DWWA).
Schools will be administering a spring Writing assessment to students in 8th grade who take ISAT. The assessment will be either a Narrative or Persuasive prompt. This assessment will be externally scored and results will be returned to schools one month after assessment administration.
􀂃 The spring Writing Assessment will be administered March 23-31, 2009
o Year Round Track A should administer February 23-26

IV. Summer Enrichment Writing Workshops
8th grade students who do not meet the Writing criteria (i.e. obtain at least a C in Writing or pass the spring Writing assessment) will be required to attend enrichment Writing workshops over the summer in order to be promoted to the next grade.
Please contact the Office of Instructional Design and Assessment at (773) 553-5060 if you have any questions about the Writing portion of the student promotion policy. For other questions regarding the amendments to the elementary promotion policy, please contact the Office of Elementary Area and Schools at (773) 553-215

First Annual Back to School Rally a Huge Success!

Thank you to all of the staff members for making our First Annual Back to School Rally such a huge success. We collected a lot of supplies to benefit our children. Please feel free to request what you need. I will be delivering bookbags for all of the children next week. We collected over 400 book bags.

Sherwood Calendar

Gradebook Sandbox

Gradebook SANDBOX

Teachers should access Gradebook now in order to be ready to put in
Quarterly grades and Attendance in October. Use the following web address to practice and facilitate usage:\gs\

Tuition Subsidies

Have you ever wanted to get a behind the scenes look at a Chicago cultural institution? Well, here's your chance. The Office of Mathematics and Science will be providing tuition subsidies for CPS K-8 assigned teachers, principals, and educational support personnel to take a graduate level course at the Adler Planetarium. This fall, the Earth and Space Science course, which fulfills part of the middle grades science endorsement requirement, will be collaboratively taught by National Louis University faculty and museum staff.

Course begins Wednesday, September 17, 2008. Please don't miss out on an opportunity that's out of this world!

For more information, please see attached flyer or visit: .

Kelly Thompson
University-Based Programs Coordinator

Kelly N. Thompson
Office of Mathematics & Science
Phone: 773.553.6301
Fax: 773.553.6231

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Collaboratory Access

The Collaboratory provides eCourses for use by individual teachers or groupsof teachers. Click Courses on the Collaboratory home page to get moreinformation about course schedules, prerequisites and registering for thecourses. There is NO COST for the course. To register, you must have aCollaboratory login and password. The Collaboratory Project offers theeCourses as online professional development. Participating Illinois teacherswill earn between 5-15 CPDUs for each eCourse. eCourse participants havethe opportunity to create a project-based learning unit for their studentsin the Collaboratory by taking the "Creating a Project in the Collaboratory"eCourse. For more information and schedules, please see URL=

Friday, July 4, 2008

ISBE Link regarding Assessment
Sherwood Elementary: Partnership Prospectus
Samuel P. Whalen, UIC College of Education
January 2008

Source: Interactive Illinois Report Card. Northern Illinois University.
Sherwood Elementary is a neighborhood “K-8” school located at 245 W 57th St. in the Englewood section of Chicago. The school has been associated with Family Focus Inc. as a 21st Century Community Learning Center since 2003, and is now entering its fifth year of after school program funding. The student and family population is almost entirely African-American (99% in 2006), although a small number of Latino and White students have entered the student body in the last two years. Several statistics in 2006 suggest some daunting challenges. Like many schools in near-Loop African-American neighborhoods, Sherwood exhibits exceptionally high levels of family mobility (44%), and struggles to keep student attendance rates above 90%. Since 2005 numbers of students listed as chronically truant has increased noticeably (to 30 in 2006, or over 7% of students). In 2007 total enrollments fell below 400 students, in contrast to 536 students in 2003. Rates of parent engagement (roughly 86% in 2006) suggest that a significant sub-group of parents can not or do not attend basic school functions such as report card pick up sessions.

Yet despite these obstacles and challenges, Sherwood’s leaders and faculty have realized substantial progress in raising the academic performance of students. The accompanying chart presents the overall ISAT performance of Sherwood Elementary from 2001 through 2007, specifically representing the percentage of students meeting or exceeding Illinois grade level standards in reading, math, and science. From 1999 through 2003 roughly three-quarters of Sherwood students struggled to meet Illinois state standards in reading and mathematics. Failing to meet NCLB AYP targets beginning in 2001, the school was placed on the state’s Academic Watch list and faced possible restructuring by CPS. Performance shifted significantly in 2005, however, and the school has succeeded in meeting the AYP performance targets in both math and reading for three successive years. Preliminary 2007 ISAT results show Sherwood continuing its advance, with a school-wide composite of 52.8%. In both math and reading, 10% more students are meeting state standards than was true in 2005.

Sherwood’s 2006 School Improvement Plan suggests a number of factors that account for this recent improvement in academic performance, despite mounting demographic and neighborhood challenges. The 2006 SIPAAA committee included strong representation among parents, and the school is aware of the need to create a welcoming environment for parents if the school is maintain a viable enrollment level. The faculty is organized as a professional, collaborative learning community at several levels, with responsibilities for curricular alignment delegated to grade level teams. The school has made a commitment to implement the America’s Choice School Design, signaling a determination to organize teaching at all grades around a common core of practices. The principal and leadership team are entrepreneurial regarding the enlistment of assets from within CPS and from the broader community to support student learning. [1] There is a particularly strong emphasis on professional development that helps teachers effectively mainstream the instruction of special education students, especially through differentiated and individualized instructional practices.
In the case of Sherwood Elementary, three questions stand out:

How can Family Focus elevate and clarify its contribution to strong after school programs in the eyes of school leaders and faculty?

What internal resources could Family Focus Englewood contribute to addressing the developmental needs of behavior disruptive students from the dual perspectives of Family Support and Youth Development?

How can Family Focus Englewood leaders and staff connect with Sherwood’s leadership team to build such a strategy around asset-based and Family Support principles?

The 2006 SIPAAA does not acknowledge Family Focus Inc. as an important school partner. Yet there are at least three clear ways that Sherwood’s needs should be well aligned with the expertise of Family Focus staff. First, the SIPAAA explicitly acknowledges the vital role that after school tutoring currently plays in supporting improved academic performance among students, particularly at ISAT testing time. OST programs also are seen as a potential venue for reaching students with behavior issues and building their positive attachment to the school community. This implicitly acknowledges value added to OST quality by Family Focus. This raises a question: How can Family Focus elevate and clarify its contribution to strong after school programs in the eyes of school leaders and faculty?

Second, to deal with persistent classroom behavior problems, the school in 2006 proposed the idea of in-school suspension strategies to keep disruptive students in school and learning. It is not clear whether or how this proposal was implemented in 2007, but a broader question is raised: What internal resources could Family Focus Englewood contribute to addressing the developmental needs of behavior disruptive students from the dual perspectives of Family Support and Youth Development?

Third, and critically, Sherwood’s 2006 SIPAAA clearly acknowledges a vital stake in staunching high levels of family mobility through creating a more welcoming environment for parents and families. At the same time, the SIPAAA writers expressed frustration with the resistance of local parents to conforming to the daily behavioral and procedural policies of CPS. While Sherwood has initiated several events and programs to link parents to curriculum and literacy, it appears that a more concerted and coherent initiative is needed (and desired) to build trust between parents and faculty and recruit parents in supporting behavioral norms in the school. This raises a third question: How can Family Focus Englewood leaders and staff connect with Sherwood’s leadership team to build such a strategy around asset-based and Family Support principles?
[1] From the website of America’s Choice ( “The America's Choice® School Design is the result of our extensive study of the best educational practices in the U.S. and abroad. The aim of the design is to ensure that every student is successful on state and local assessments and prepared for college. The design complies in every respect with the requirements of the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. We focus on five key tasks in readying students for success in today's economy: Standards and Assessments…Aligned Instructional Systems…High-Performance Management, Leadership and Organization…Professional Learning Communities…Parent/Guardian and Community Involvement….”

IMPACT Training

Follow the site below for IMPACT training online...



Students: Please use all resources available to answer the questions below about the college you have been assigned. Be creative and bring in pictures or any other extra information that you find about your college or university!

1. What is the name of the college or university?
2. Where is the campus located?
3. When was the college founded and by whom?
4. How many students currently attend this school?
5. Who is President of the college/university?
6. What is the average tuition cost per year?
7. Name 5 different types of degree programs that the offer.
8. What kinds of graduate degree programs do they offer?
9. What sports teams do they have?
10. What is the school mascot?
11. What fraternities and sororities do they have on campus?
12. Who are some famous people that graduated from there?
13. What types of scholarships do they offer?
14. What is the minimum GPA (grade point average) that you must have to be accepted?
15. What is the minimum ACT or SAT score that you must have to be accepted?
16. What is one thing that the school is famous for (ex. The band, the football team, etc.)?
17. What is the climate like in the area that the university is located?
18. What are the school colors?
19. What is the average class size at this university?
20. Name and describe one dormitory that the students live in.


Hi there:

What a great day! Here is what we did....

“Seeding the Goal of College Early”

Ø Objective: To expose students to various colleges and universities and plant the seed in their minds that college is possible and attainable. This aligns with AVID’s mission which is to open access to the curricula that will ensure four-year college eligibility for students. The ultimate district goal of the Department of Postsecondary Education and Student Development in OHSP is to increase the percentage of students that graduate from CPS and go on to attend a four-year college. Currently, we have 47% of our students that go on to college. This is well below the national rate of 64%. It is the sincere belief of our CEO Arne Duncan and his team that the AVID strategies should be started as early as possible if we want to see this percentage increase. Below, is a model for a successful College Day that is recommended to all AVID elementary schools as we prepare our students to reach their highest levels.

· Each class will be assigned either individual colleges or a class-wide college to research. You could have a theme such as historically black colleges, Illinois colleges, Big 10 colleges, etc. Each college would be represented by a poster-sized information sheet about their college. It would include location, enrollment, when it was founded, majors and degree programs, sororities and fraternities, something it’s famous for, famous alumni/ae, etc. Encourage the students to find out and include as much information as they can about their college.
· On College Day display the research posters in the halls under banners for each school. The banners are available for purchase online at the school website or other sites that sell college paraphernalia. The students could also make the banners for their college.
· Invite guest speakers to come speak to each class.
Ø If your school has developed any partnerships with external partners this could be a great way for them to volunteer at the school.
Ø Former students also make great guest speakers.
Ø Teachers could go to different classes or grade levels and talk about their alma mater.
Ø Contact college representatives here in Chicago and see if someone would be available to come out to your school.
Ø The AVID team would be happy to come and share our college experiences with your students.
· Contact schools about complimentary mementos to pass out to the kids like key chains, mugs, folders, pens, etc.
· Have teachers, administration, and other staff members wear a sweatshirt from their alma Mater or any college. Encourage students to wear college sweatshirts or t-shirts that day as well.
· A great culminating activity would be to show a movie concerning the college experience such as Drum Line.
· Incorporate journal writing about why it’s important to go to college or other topics regarding future college goals.
· You might also consider other ideas such as having students make College Day buttons, giving students college posters, or awarding students who participate their own college diploma with their name on it.

If there are any other ideas you have please feel free to add them as well. College Day can become an annual event at your school as a way to plant the college seed early in your students!

Interactive Illinois Report Card

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Excellent Website...please check it out! ( offers 55,000 educational and literacy resources for educators and students at no cost. The companion professional development program for K-12 educators is aligned to ISTE’s NETS for Teachers. Resources are developed through partnerships with the nation’s most authoritative educational and literacy organizations and rollout is through a network of select state and national education partners., which includes the former MarcoPolo and Thinkfinity Literacy Network, records 3 million monthly user sessions and has been named the “best site to download free lessons” for two consecutive years by readers of Edutopia, a George Lucas Educational Foundation publication.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Learning Standards

Learning Standards

Just click in the standard and the link will automatically take you there and then just cut and paste it. it's that easy!
English Language Arts
Goals & Standards
Descriptors and Assessments

Goals & Standards
Descriptors and Assessments
Program Information/Grants

Goals & Standards
Descriptors and Assessments
Program Information/Grants

Social ScienceGoals & Standards
Descriptors and Assessments
Goals & Standards
Descriptors and Assessments

Fine Arts
Goals & Standards
Descriptors and Assessments
For more information feel free to visit the ISBE website.

IEP or 504 Plan Forms

IEP Templates and Forms
English Version / Spanish Version

IEP or 504 Plan Forms
1. IEP Meeting Agenda
2. Family IEP Report
3. IEP or 504 Plan
4. Eligibility Determination
5. Section 504 Evaluation Summary
6. Revisions to IEP
7. Services for Students Enrolled in Private Schools by Their Parents
8. Functional Analysis & Behavior Intervention Plan
9. Notice to Parent Regarding Behavior Intervention Procecures
10. Determination of the Need for Individualized Assistance - Worksheet A
11. Disciplinary Removal of Student from Current Setting
12. Transition Services Plan
13. Home-Based Support Services Program - Worksheet B
14. Report of Student Achievement & Effort
15. High School Report of Student Progress16. IEP Summary Sheet

Teacher Professional Resources

CPS Mail Logon
Need to log on and check your CPS email? Click on the link to check it.
You need to type username given to you by CPS and the
password is the one you made up. Changing to the new email on October 31, 2007.

First Class

Use the site below to change password. Click on the orange icon to change password when the site below appears.


This is the HR Portal -- your one-stop center for HR news, information and resources. Click on the buttons above to access information, such as employee benefits & compensation, forms or payroll information.

IMPACT is the Chicago Public Schools Instructional Management Program and Academic Communication Tool!

ECS - Educator Certification System

ECS allows educators to create private accounts and have access to all of their TCIS data, apply for certificates and endorsements, register and renew their certificates, and apply for NCLB HOUSSE HQ status.

Chicago Educator Qualification System

Want to see what the city of Chicago has you certified as and whether or not you are Highly qualified? Visit the Educator Qualification System.


Need to check your certification?
Click on the link below to find out what your certified in.

Need additional Teacher certificate information?
Try the OTIS - Online Teacher Information System.
This system is run by the State department.

Do you need some additional forms to fill out for your certification?

Chicago Public Schools Main page
This is the main CPS website, all teachers should check this site because it offers a variety of things from classroom news, to payroll, to student zones a definite must for all CPS employees.
Chicago Public Schools E-Bulletin
This is a site you want to visit to see what CPS human resources has available to CPS teachers.
ISBE Job Bank

Teacher Tracker
This is a site for suburban Job Openings

Employee Benefits

Chicago Teachers Union
Want to keep up with what is happening in the Chicago teachers' Union? This site is sponsored by the Chicago Teachers Union and lets you know what the Union is up to for you.

Chicago Teachers Training
This a great place the CPS has set aside for teachers online about online trainings, new updates on teacher trainings, golden teachers, lesson planning and so on.

Mandated Reporter Online Class Link

Mandated Reporter Class

School Based Problem Solving

Monday, June 23, 2008



3rd 43% 55%
4th 38% 51%
5th 31% 44%
6th 38% 53%
7th 47% 56%
8th 53% 50%

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


If you have a problem signing on to IMPACT...see below...

Principals and School Staff-Please use the below links to access the IMPACT applications. Access SIM: URL= CIM: Access SSM: Reports Portal: URL= direct questions to the IMPACT Help Desk at (773) 553-3925, option 2.This is an automated message, please do not reply.Thanks!


Reading Language Arts (RLA) Curriculum
The Office of Literacy has developed a Reading Language Arts (RLA) curriculum designed to support teachers in delivering high quality literacy instruction to the middle grades. This curriculum is designed to work within a departmentalized structure and includes a series of quarterly courses for grades 6-8. Derived from the Illinois State Standards, the Chicago Reading Framework, balanced literacy, and writer’s workshop, this curriculum is designed to motivate middle-school students and challenge them to become effective readers and writers. The courses include classroom activities, lesson pacing, authentic student work, quality book lists, grading support, and suggestions for additional reading.

Reading Language Arts (RLA) Curriculum Professional Development Workshop
The Office of Literacy is offering a professional development workshop to all middle-grades departmentalized English Language Arts teachers from C4MGP Schools. The professional development workshops will lay the foundation for implementing the RLA curriculum. Middle school teachers and Office of Literacy staff will facilitate the workshop. Each participant will receive the materials necessary for the successful implementation of the first course. Ongoing professional development will be provided through the 2008-2009 school year.

Who is required to attend?
§ 6th , 7th , and 8th Grade Departmentalized English Language Arts teachers from C4MGP Schools
§ Teachers will be paid a stipend for attending.

How do I register?

Register on Sporg
Register by:
6th Grade
Jun. 16 - 19
Jun. 23 - 26
1 - 4 p.m.

June 13
7th Grade
Jun. 30 – Jul. 3
Jul. 7 – Jul. 10
1 - 4 p.m.
June 27
8th Grade
Jul. 14- 17
Jul. 21-24
1 - 4 p.m.

July 11

Where can I obtain additional information?Please contact the Office of Literacy at (773) 553-3550.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Ribbon Pinning

The ribbon pinning will be held this Friday at 1:00 p.m.

AWARDS Assembly

The awards assembly will be held this Monday, June 9, 2008.

9:30 A.M. Primary

11:30 A.M. Upper

Ms. Jenkins is coordinating this event.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Welcome to the Jesse Sherwood BLOG!

Hello Everyone:

I created this blog so that we can communicate and post information for one another. Many times I email you or want to share something with you and I do not know if I have reached you. This blog will allow me to post items of interest to the entire Sherwood family and you can comment on them as well. Please visit frequently and share information. All items posted on this BLOG are only open to Sherwood Staff one else! Hope to see you online soon! A. Buzanis


Good Morning Everyone:

Teachers who are in 5th-8th grade that have not received AVID training, please register for training this summer. You will get paid...Below are the details...I have also EMAILED you the information.


Dates: Monday and Tuesday, August 18th & 19th, 2008
Times: 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Location: Byrne Elementary School
5329 S. Oak Park Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60638


Dates: Thursday and Friday, August 21st & 22nd, 2008
Times: 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Location: Morrill Math & Science Specialty School
6011 S. Rockwell Street
Chicago, Illinois 60629


Training Qualifications: The scheduled AVID Student Success Path Trainings are only for teachers that meet the following requirements:
AVID Student Success Path-Upper Elementary Training: 5th – 8th grade teachers approved by the Principal to be trained to implement this Fall 2008 the AVID WICR strategies designed for upper elementary grade levels.